Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Internally Yours

Ever hear people say "If you are accused of something, they probably are already doing it". It holds true. When I was accused of cheating, it turns out, my partner was already cheating. But hey, I've noticed that it also happens in the work force. When someone accuses you of something, sit back and look at the situation, are they doing something similar? I know of someone who would be all over you for your timesheets and would scrutinize anything you gave them, but low and behold, they were fudging on their numbers! Go must be one of those internalisms that say "If I would do it, so might someone else". Well, I can think of better things we could do with that kind of thought patterns. The Government seems to work the same way. How do you think the IRS got the power they now have? Someone whispered "but they (us, the people) might find a way to cheat us! We have to make sure they aren't cheating! But then, they do all the wrong things.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Blog

So my cousin had this blog....and so I thought, what a great idea! What a way to share information. SO here I am to share some ideas, life happenings and perhaps a recipe or two since I happen to cook on occasion.